George Washington

marble bust of George Washington

Giuseppe Ceracchi (1751–1801)
George Washington, ca. 1792
H. 23 7/8 in. (60.6 cm)
Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, South Carolina
Image courtesy of the Gibbes Museum of Art/Carolina Art Association


Ceracchi’s bust of George Washington exists in many versions. Marble copies followed the terracotta and plaster models. Some were created by Ceracchi during his lifetime, others after his death. There was huge demand. In 1806, a Charleston newspaper advertised various versions: “these copies will be taken in gesso, or stucco, and shall be of three sizes vis.—one size colossal and molded from the original; one copy after the size of nature; and another copy half the size of nature.” Prices were adjusted accordingly.

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