Past Exhibition: French and English Drawings from the National Gallery of Canada

French and English Drawings of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries from the National Gallery of Canada
February 9, 1999 to April 25, 1999

This exhibition of sixty-seven drawings from the collection of the National Gallery of Canada was organized by that museum in collaboration with The Frick Collection. It offered a rich sampling of the treasures assembled by the Department of Prints and Drawings since its founding in 1921, including works by Boucher and Degas acquired only last year. On the English side, artists represented include Bonington, Constable, Flaxman, Hogarth, Palmer, and Turner; among the French artists are Courbet, David, Delacroix, Fragonard, Greuze, Redon, and Watteau. Most of these works were exhibited for the first time in New York. An illustrated brochure containing an essay by Richard Hemphill, Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery of Canada, was also available.

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