New Series of Installations in Refurbished Enamels Room to be Inaugurated with a Presentation of Renaissance Works

For the first time in decades, The Frick Collection has undertaken a refurbishment of the Enamels Room display cases designed by John Russell Pope.  The intimate wood-paneled Enamels Room, originally a private office for industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), was transformed into a small cabinet gallery in his lifetime following the acquisition of a collection of rich Renaissance enamels, many formerly owned by J. P. Morgan.  His enamels collection has been displayed in this room ever since, together with other Renaissance objects and paintings.  Following a closure period of several months this spring, a fiber-optic lighting system was installed providing a new environment for the close viewing of precious, small-scale objects.  A new installation was developed, and plans have been made to change the display annually, allowing the Collection to highlight its Renaissance holdings with greater flexibility.  Fresh attention will be drawn to various objects in the Collection, including recent acquisitions, and from time to time, special loans will be incorporated as well.  The Enamels Room will reopen for public viewing on Tuesday, May 27, 2003, and the first display will expose the public to the broad range of media represented in the Frick’s holdings of this period.  Approximately twenty-five objects–enamels, bronzes, clocks, and a rare Saint-Porchaire ceramic ewer–will be presented in two large cases on either side of Renaissance paintings by Barna da Siena, Cimabue, Duccio, Gentile da Fabriano, Piero della Francesca, and Paolo and Giovanni Veneziano.  This project has been coordinated by Yvonne Elet, the Collection’s first Andrew Mellon Fellow, in conjunction with Associate Curator Denise Allen and Conservator of Objects Barbara Roberts.  Stephen Saitas designed the case interiors, and Stephen Cannon-Brookes designed and installed the new lighting system.  



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