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  • oil painting depicting man with mustache and long hair in oval frame
  • oil painting of man in oval frame with his hand breaking expected painting barrier
  • oil painting of oval-framed portrait of man with mustache with angels on either side
  • oil painting of young man in profile
  • ink and chalk drawing of male standing
  • oil painting of man in profile holding a skull
  • engraving on paper of man in profile, framed in oval shape
  • oil painting of younger woman leaning on window sill and older woman with cloth over mouth, both smiling
  • oil painting of smiling young boy leaning on sill
  • oil painting of portrait of a man with mustache in ornate frame
  • etching on paper of man in profile, with mustache and long hair
  • chalk on paper depicting man with mustache and long hair, seated in profile
  • etching and engraving on paper of man with mustache and and long hair in oval frame
  • engraving of man in profile in circular frame, surrounded by seated angels, lion's skin, Medusa relief, owl, fruit
  • engraving on paper of man with mustache and long hair in profile
  • engraving on paper of man in profile, framed in oval shape at top,  and young boy, with text
  • engraving on paper of man in profile, framed in oval shape on left, and text on right including "Murillo"
  • book spread with image of man with mustache and long hair on the left, and text including "Murillo" on the right
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