Alberico Archinto and an Allegory of the Catholic Faith

Frontispiece of a book.

Francesco Zucchi (1672–1750) after Francesco Zugno (1709–1787)
Alberico Archinto and an Allegory of the Catholic Faith
From Carlo Sigonio, Opera Omnia (Milan, 1732–37), headpiece for vol. 5
Columbia University Libraries, Columbia University in the City of New York


Carlo's son, Alberico Archinto, pursued an ecclesiastical career and was among the scholars who annotated parts of the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores and supported the Società Palatina. The fifth volume of Sigonio's Opera Omnia was dedicated to Alberico, whose portrait, accompanied by an allegory of the Catholic Faith, appears on the headpiece. This was designed by Tiepolo's pupil and collaborator, Francesco Zugno, whose original drawings for this print are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Castello Sforzesco, Milan.

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