Le Ode di Anacreonte 

Frontispiece of a book with illustration of two coats of arms being carried by eagles and putti.

Dedication Page for Filippo Argelati's Le Ode di Anacreonte (Milan, 1731)
Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan
Su concessione del Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo; photo Mauro Ranzani


This book was produced as a wedding gift to Filippo Archinto and Giulia Borromeo, who married on April 22, 1731. Filippo Argelati, the Archinto family librarian, chose to dedicate to the couple some "amorous compositions": the Odes by Anacreon. The preface of the book opens with the two families' coats of arms (Archinto on the left and Borromeo on the right). Antonio Gantelmi also published a short poem for the new couple, dedicating it to Carlo Archinto and Giovanni Borromeo, the fathers of the groom and bride.

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