Dedication Page for Filippo Argelati's Le Ode di Anacreonte (Milan, 1731)
Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan
Su concessione del Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo; photo Mauro Ranzani
This book was produced as a wedding gift to Filippo Archinto and Giulia Borromeo, who married on April 22, 1731. Filippo Argelati, the Archinto family librarian, chose to dedicate to the couple some "amorous compositions": the Odes by Anacreon. The preface of the book opens with the two families' coats of arms (Archinto on the left and Borromeo on the right). Antonio Gantelmi also published a short poem for the new couple, dedicating it to Carlo Archinto and Giovanni Borromeo, the fathers of the groom and bride.