One Hundred Years at the Library: Masterpieces in Reproduction

July 5, 2022

As we explore the past century of the Frick Art Reference Library through objects in its collections, Stephen J. Bury, Andrew W. Mellon Chief Librarian, discusses an exquisite eighteenth-century portfolio of prints made after Old Master drawings, known as the Kleine Kabinett. Produced by husband-and-wifeprintmakers Johann Gottlieb (called Jean Théophile in French) and Maria Katharina Prestel and their apprentice Regina Katharina Schönecker, the portfolio and its reproductions give us insight into how artwas circulated and studied, a tradition the library has carried on since its opening one hundred years ago.

All the objects highlighted in this video series are featured in the celebratory publication One Hundred Objects in the Frick Art Reference Library, available for purchase at the shop. You can consult materials in the library's collections in our reading room—book a free visit today.

One Hundred Years at the Library is supported in part by Virginia and Randall Barbato.



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